24 March 2007

Roadtrip Diaries

Roadtrip Diaries
Roundtrip AZ-MA

Keep me awake
Put me to sleep

Goals? Or just that-
Idle amusement
A joy to discover
A world of excitement

Will the future reveal
Powers of the mind
Or will I just forget
These silly ideas

They are so real
So pure and exact
Is it my imagination
Or a vision of the future?

Who is to know
Who is to see
Who can tell
Who can decide

How many times
Have I thought this before?
Is my mind not controlled by itself?
Do I really want this? or-
Is it just entertainment?
Do I decide that?
Or does the universe?

Dreadfully entertaining
My mind is a mine
Always digging into the unknown
As often as not
Spewing something surprising

Nobody knows
Nobody sees
What will come
What will disappear

Hopefully the dreams are visions
For they were beautiful
But if not, they are only a sign
That my imagination has not died.
Apartment in the mountains
Me, stopping in when I can
Drinks, a movie, dinner, sleep on the couch
A kiss if the mood is there

Friends, not quite anything more but almost
Gray areas
Good talks
Trips, picnics
Exploring the country

That’s what I want when I think of you.


My life is in my hands
I can mold my future

I don’t know what I want
Not lost, just unsure
Not making a move until I’m sure
Pawn to black six
Or rook to black nine?

Standing at the edge of the woods
Many trails before me
Is each one right in its own way?
Or is only one correct?
Am I a fool to think I can make a right decision?
Do they all lead the same place?
Does my decision make a difference?
Does anyone know?

I’ll follow my heart
I’ll do what I want
Whatever seems right,
Whatever feels natural
Wherever I end
There I will sit
Think about the path
And hopefully decide it was the right one

I think life will be ok
No matter what will happen
What might have happened
What could have happened

At least, that’s the way it has been so far.


The road
Turns your mind inward
When you’re not looking
Out spews so much
You only half knew was there
Like a stew pot brimfull with vegetables
That only appears to be broth

Dreams, but are they?
Perhaps visions, most likely not
Fun nonetheless

Both a mindtrip over land
And a walk through your thoughts

A sleep when you can
Hunger when it comes
A pee when it fits
A drive when its time

It was time for a rinse cycle
So appeared the road trip
Perfectly timed
To slow me down from this recent speedtrip
To decompress, evaluate, think, process

Across the nation
Visiting friends
Time and distance become meaningless
Insignificant in the face of other,
More pressing needs
Reality warps


Music and scratching
Cramped legs
Lack of blood

Bad drivers
Bumpy roads
Toll booths
Shitty cruise control

Relative lack of stress
One purpose, one goal
Go there, return

Fall asleep when you should
Monitor the vehicle
Enjoy thyself

Roadtrips are all the same
Roadtrips are all different
Roadtrips are roadtrips
And that’s why we love them.

Burnt out on things to say
Burnt out on looking out the window
Burnt out on stopping, going, sleeping, driving, thinking, sitting
Far from finished

The length of a roadtrip should be carefully considered
And ability to adjust is paramount
Know how deep the pool is, and how long you must swim
Before you jump in
I need a lifejacket


Its amazing how fast one can do from what was just a few hours ago a sure idea, a plan for the future, to a similar, yet totally different plan. And how both of these plans is far detached from what, just last week, was a concrete plan. Luckily, they’re all good plans.

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