The year in review, as of November 15, 2006
I went to jail in Arizona, a wedding in Illinois, celebrated the Fourth of July on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico, and hitchhiked in Colorado. I drove over 20,000 miles in my new truck, almost 5,000 on my new bike, and around 6,000 in a company truck, on a one-week trip from Flagstaff, Arizona to Massachusetts and back. I didn’t get high when I was in Jackson, Wyoming, but I did in Houston, Texas and the Shenandoah National Forest in Virginia. I searched downtown Atlanta for coffee with a Russian girl on a Sunday morning, and fell asleep by the pool in Virginia Beach on a Saturday afternoon, with an American. I sat on a dirt road outside McPherson, Kansas until four in the morning talking with an old friend, and walked seven miles in the woods of Indiana, talking with another one. I was searched three times. My grandpa died. I sat by his side for fifteen hours, after traveling halfway across the country in about twelve, after a 1500 mile road trip. I’ve been from Ithaca, New York to Pocatello, Idaho and from Jackson, Wyoming to Pensacola, Florida. I spent three months in a camper in the Rocky Mountains and wrote this in a FEMA trailer, two blocks off the beach in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Today we woke up, took the dogs on a walk down the beach, sat in the hot tub, and then decided to not work the rest of the day. Last weekend we took the boat out and watched the Blue Angels do their flying demonstration. I made some new friends, got rid of some bad ones, and was blessed with the rekindling of some old ones. Its been a good year.
Reading this now, in my current location…man did this year take a turn towards Even More Crazy! Soon I will update this…
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