13 September 2011

A tidbit to work on later...

And then a great cloud arose in the east like a wave, and upon it rode a mighty horseman, the sound of hoofbeats scaring the rabbits from their holes. Behind him rode six warriors, armed with axes and spears...it was the weekend, there to obliterate the workweek. Although still far in the distance, the pressure of its imminence could be felt all the way to Tuesday....
There was only one problem-- I'd never been in love!
[Typewriter dings.]
Luckily, right at that moment, an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof.
[Argentinean falls through CHRISTIAN's roof. Man shouts.]
He was quickly joined by dwarf dressed as a nun.

(From Moulin Rouge) What a great visual!

"this conversation is missing your voice." -From the Vimeo website.

I've been having fun assigning/creating/modifying visual approaches to everyday concepts that didn't have visual accompaniment in my head previously. For instance-breakfast is a benevolent shock of wheat waiting in the corner of the kitchen to make sure I'm nourished and ready to kick ass today!  And there's a nap waiting to wrap  me in a blanket on the couch and softly sing me to sleep.

Do any of you do this?  Do you have concepts maybe not shared by other people about the visual or audible aspects of life?  I know Jimi Hendrix, and others, associated sounds and colors and shapes-blue is a circle, yellow is a triangle, a C flat looks like light brown, etc etc.     Can you paint with sound? 

I'm listening to Lotus right now, mostly because I'm impressed by two facts: 1, they're still a band, and 2, they have come a loooong way since their first cd!  Or maybe I have come a long way since then.  That was six years ago, so I'm sure my taste and appreciation has molded and vibrated into something different than when I lived in that house at 1835 South Quay St. I think that's the address...should have gotten a tattoo like Guy Pierce's character in Memento!

Should have gotten a tattoo last night so I'd remember exactly why my head hurts so badly.  I woke up with a dim memory of going to Alley Cats for a pack of smokes, and half a recipe for homemade fried ice cream lodged in my skull. 

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

Bring on Saturday! I hate the week- too much to do, too much pressure and lots of insomnia. I read you every night before bed, helps me sleep :)