14 January 2015

Reflections in ripple pond

When I look back on what little bit of my short life I can remember, one of the only decisions I would most certainly change is one time when I grabbed a handful of front brake instead of clutch. It was more reaction than decision, but when viewed in relation to the vast number of quite possibly not quite perfect decisions, the fact that's at the top is curious. However, with that bike out of my life, I was probably better off. I was about to sell it, which may have been handy, but maybe the lesson about brakes will come in handy someday. Maybe I'll tell the boy about it and it'll save his life.
I'd be pretty happy if the afterlife was an examination of our life on earth but with the ability to see the outcome of each different decision we could have made, it's impact on us and those around us. Also how other's decisions affected our life could be analyzed. Then, after we've exhausted each possibility, we get to return to life in a new body and have another go at it--and this time, we don't wreck the bike.

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